le moulin, Sept 2015, surroundings
> le moulin, Sept 2015, surroundings
Mill buildings seen from the back garden.
Millhouse and forecourt.
Millhouse balcony.
Millhouse balcony.
Millhouse balcony seen from the garden room.
Path between the millhouse and road.
Rose between the garden room and the road.
View of the millstream from the back bedroom in the millhouse.
Views from the millhouse balcony.
View from the balcony.
View from the balcony.
View from the balcony.
View from the balcony.
The "back" garden.
View along the road from the balcony of the south building.
View south from the road by the garages.
Can you see the Pyrenees?
Can you see them now?
View north from the road by the garages.
View west from the middle building.
View northwest from the middle building.
Evening sun in the trees by the road.
Evening sun in the trees by the road.
Evening sun in the trees by the road.
Evening sun on the middle and south buildings.
Stable block. The roof is generally sound and the upper level is partly floored.
The garden shed...
...complete with fitted electrics.
Early morning sun in the trees, seen from the balcony.
Early morning sun in the trees, seen from the balcony.
The weir, 500m south of the mill.
By the wier - a gap where one of the old sluice gates used to be, partly blocked to reduce the flow.
Lost in the woods near the far corner of the north meadow. Which way was the mill?
Not that way...
nor that way...
maybe that way?
Yes, found it! (in the trees to the left)
Keith & Paul's Photo Album