le moulin, April-June 2022
After five months of absence the grass in the the park has grown...

Après cinq mois d'absence l'he...
... weeds have invaded the rose garden, the roses have grown beyond recognition...

... les mauvaise...
... and everything else has grown too, but it all looks beautiful nonetheless.

... et tout le reste...
Brunhilda has started mowing the park.

Brunhilda a commencé à tondre le parc.
The rhododendron is still only small but has produced some impressive blooms.

Le rhododendron est e...
May 5th - a nice day for a walk to the barrage.

5 mai - une belle journée pour une promenade au ba...
The park after the first cut of the grass (background). We have yet to tackle the water garden (fore...
The "Iceberg" rose from Sylvia looks beautiful with its subtle shades of pink.

Le rosier "Iceberg" ...
More blooms on Sylvia's rose.

Plus de fleurs sur le rosier de Sylvia.
We never knew that roses could grow such big leaves.

Nous ne savions pas que les rosiers pouvaient ...
A lovely sweep of blooms on Sylvia's rose.

Un beau balayage de fleurs sur le rosier de Sylvia.
The water irises are flowering well this year.

Les iris d'eau fleurissent bien cette année.
It is the middle of May and the robinia tree by the entrance is covered in white flowers.

Nous somm...
Robinia flowers in close-up.

Les fleurs de robinier en gros plan.
A mixture of several roses with delicate shades of pink and peach.

Un mélange de plusieurs rosiers...
The rose by the stables is in full bloom.

Le rosier près des écuries est en pleine floraison.
The philadelphus has recovered from being attacked by the deer and is flowering beautifully this yea...
The rose garden in shadow with sunlit trees behind. And the house. Can you see the house?

La rosera...
While the mill sleeps on a sunny afternoon the sunlight in the trees plays with the shadows.

A pretty red rose grown from a cutting taken from the rose near the garden room by the cascade.

The evergreen magnolia tree (magnolia grandiflora), which is about 15m tall, is starting to flower.
Hydrangea "Annabelle" in flower.

Hortensia "Annabelle" en fleur.