February - July 2023
> February - July 2023
Logs being loaded into the stove on a cold February morning.
Bûches chargées dans le po...
April. The cardamine is in flower and is much liked by small white butterflies with orange-tipped wi...
The ornamental cherry tree is in flower.
Le cerisier d'ornement est en fleur.
Late April. The trees are in leaf and the water garden is looking beatiful.
Fin avril. Le...
Fungi growing on a tree stump in the water garden.
Champignons poussant sur une souche d'...
The rose garden viewed from the water garden.
La roseraie vue du jardin d'eau.
May. Water irises are flowering in the water garden.
Mai. Les iris d'eau fleurissent dans...
A branch from one of the rose trees decorates a beam in the mill.
Une branche d'un des ro...
June. A pleasant afternoon walking around the medieval village of Pessan.
Juin. Une agré...
A visit to Arreau, a pretty village nestled in the Pyrénées.
Une visite à Arreau, joli...
Keith lost in contemplation while Paul studies some mill workings.
Keith perdu dans la co...
The curious thing about London cafés is that they can be found in the most surprising places.
Dinner at the mill following a hard day's shopping.
Dîner au moulin après une dure jour...
Day lillies in flower at the edge of the water garden.
Hémérocalles en fleur au bord du...
Hydrangea "Annabelle" in flower.
Hortensia "Annabelle" en fleur.
The water garden, looking slightly primordial. Can you see the dinosaur hiding behind the tree?
Flowers to decorate the mill.
Fleurs pour décorer le moulin.
Now that the mill is warm and comfortable all year round, we have added nice furniture and ornaments...
Flowers and a teddy bear add to the feeling of homeliness.
Des fleurs et un ours en peluc...
Teddy approves of the home comforts.
Teddy approuve le confort de la maison.
Rose and hibiscus flowers on the table help to brighten the room.
Des fleurs de rose et d...
Pictures on the wall add an artistic touch.
Les peintures sur le mur ajoutent une touche ...
More flowers and pictures.
Plus de fleurs et de peintures.
A beureau for writing letters from our friend Anne.
Un beureau pour écrire les lettres d...
A Japanese vase from our friend Lella.
Un vase japonais de notre amie Lella.
Good things come to those who wait. This appeared in the roadside close to the mill one morning. Hop...
The two pipes which have appeared at the base of the nearby telephone pole will presumably carry the...
Keith and Paul's photo album
Bûches chargées dans le po...